Patellar Tendon Rupture
Dr. KS Dhillon
The patellar tendon is a ligament that connects two bones, the patella and the tibia. A patellar tendon rupture involves a complete tear of the tendon between the patella's inferior pole and the tibial tubercle. Such raptures are usually seen in males in their third or fourth decade. These ruptures result from an overall weakened tendon placed under high tensile forces. These ruptures are classified into acute and chronic tears, depending on the time from rupture. Since the patellar tendon is a part of the extensor mechanism such injuries require prompt diagnosis and surgical repair. For function of the lower extremity, including ambulation, the extensor mechanism of the knee is crucial. It is responsible for extending and straightening the knee and resisting knee flexion which is crucial for standing with a flexed knee and ambulation (1). Without a properly functioning knee extensor mechanism, the patient is severely limited functionally (2). Surgical intervention depends on the location of the rupture and timing. Acute ruptures can be treated by primary repair. Chronic ruptures often require reconstruction of the tendon.
The knee extensor mechanism consists of the quadriceps muscle, quadriceps tendon, medial and lateral patellar retinaculum, patella, patellar tendon, and the tibial tubercle (3). The quadriceps muscle consists of 4 separate muscles with different origins but a common insertion point on the patella.
The four quadriceps muscles with different origins include (3):
1. Rectus femoris – anterior superior iliac spine and superior acetabular rim
2. Vastus lateralis – greater trochanter and lateral linea aspera
3. Vastus intermedius – proximal femoral shaft
4. Vastus medialis – intertrochanteric line and medial linea aspera
The lateral and medial patellar retinaculum are on the sides of the patella and are continuous with the vastus fascia to the tibia and the patella (3). They are minor patellar stabilizers. If intact they can provide knee extension and straight leg raising despite a patellar or quadriceps tendon rupture. The patella is the largest sesamoid bone in the body. It is embedded in the quadriceps tendon. It increases the moment arm from the knee joint axis and increases the mechanical advantage and quadriceps pull-in extension. The patella begins to engage the trochlea of the femur at 20 degrees of knee flexion and is fully engaged at 40 degrees. Joint reaction forces in the patellofemoral joint can be up to 3 times the body weight with stair climbing. It can be 7 times the body weight with deep bending (4). The patellar tendon, by definition, is a ligament since it connects bone (patella) to bone (tibial tubercle). It is approximately 30 mm wide and 50 mm long. It is 5 to 7 mm in thickness. The origin on the inferior pole of the patella is juxtaposed with the articular cartilage on the deep side. It becomes confluent with the periosteum of the patella anteriorly. The tibial insertion is narrower and it covers the entire tibial tubercle. It connects the quadriceps muscles to the leg.
Chronic inflammation leads to patellar tendonitis. The inflammation weakens the tendon which increases the likelihood of tendon rupture. Certain medical conditions can weaken the tendon and predispose an individual to tendon rupture.
These risk factors include:
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Rheumatoid arthritis
Chronic corticosteroid use
Chronic renal disease
Diabetes mellitus
Renal dialysis
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics
Corticosteroid injections
Patellar tendinopathy
Previous injury
Overuse injury
Patellar degeneration (2,5,6,7)
The knee extensor mechanism disruption can occur at different locations within the extensor mechanism. The 3 most common areas of disruption include the patella tendon, the quadriceps tendon, and the patellar (8). Patella fractures are twice as common as tendon ruptures (9). Quadriceps tendon rupture is more common than patellar tendon ruptures, especially in individuals over the age of 40 years (10). In the USA, quadriceps tendon ruptures affect 1.3% of the population every year, whereas patellar tendon ruptures tend to affect less than 0.5% of the population per year. Males are more often affected than females.
Tensile overload on the extensor mechanism causes patella tendon ruptures. There are numerous risk factors for patella tendinopathy such as sex, hours of training, hamstring flexibility, previous patellar tendon rupture, previous knee injury, current/previous back pain, family history, and age (11). Patella tendinopathy predisposes to patella tendon ruptures. The usual circumstance for patella tendon rupture is sudden quadriceps muscle contraction. This can be seen in individuals who are running up a set of stairs, landing from a jump, or suddenly stopping to change directions when running. The greatest force on the patellar tendon is when the knee is flexed more than 60 degrees. Most patellar tendon ruptures occur when the knee is in a flexed position. Patellar tendon rupture can occur at 3 distinct locations. A proximal avulsion of the tendon, with or without bone from the inferior pole of the patella, is the most common (6). The strain at the tendon-inferior pole patella interface is 3 to 4 times higher than that at the mid-substance of the tendon. The other 2 rupture locations include the tendon's mid-substance and an avulsion of the patellar tendon from the tibial tubercle.
History and Physical
Patients with an acute patellar tendon tear present with the complaint of infrapatellar knee pain, swelling, difficulty with weight-bearing, and difficulty in straightening the leg. The patient may report a “pop” sound or a sensation of the knee giving way during an event where there is a sudden contraction of the quadriceps with the knee in a flexed position, such as with jumping sports or missing a step on the stairs. Obtaining a detailed history of the patient's symptoms is essential. The history should include the specific location of the pain, the duration of the pain and symptoms, characteristics of the pain, alleviating and aggravating factors, any radiation of pain, and the severity of the symptoms. Some patients may report pre-existing pain at the patella or patellar tendon level due to underlying tendinosis. A thorough history may reveal an underlying risk factor or predisposition to a tendon rupture (12). Opinions differ on the definition of acute versus chronic tendon rupture. Generally, however, it is thought that chronic ruptures present 6 weeks after injury. Physical examination should include an inspection of the knee and evaluation of the surrounding skin for any signs of direct trauma. Swelling or knee effusion should be looked for. A large hemarthrosis and surrounding ecchymosis are often associated with patella tendon ruptures. The patellar height should be compared with the unaffected side. A patellar tendon rupture is likely to be associated with an elevation of the patellar height compared to the uninjured side. Palpation of the bony and soft tissue structures is essential. The palpatory examination can be broken down into the knee's lateral, medial, and midline structures.
In palpatory examination, the areas of focus include:
On the medial aspect of the knee-
Vastus medialis obliquis
Origin of the medial collateral ligament (MCL)
Midsubstance of the MCL
Superomedial pole patella
The medial facet of the patella
Broad insertion of the MCL
Medial joint line
Medial meniscus
Pes anserine tendons and bursa
At the midline of the knee-
Quadricep tendon
Patellar mobility
Prepatellar bursa
Suprapatellar pouch
Superior pole patella
Patellar tendon
Tibial tubercle
At the lateral aspect of the knee
Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
Iliotibial band
Lateral facet patella
Lateral joint line
Lateral meniscus
Gerdy’s tubercle (13)
Examination of patients with a patellar tendon rupture will show a palpable defect below the inferior pole of the patella and localized tenderness about the infrapatellar aspect of the knee. Range of motion (ROM) testing and muscle strength testing are essential in the setting of a suspected patellar tendon rupture. Examination will show decreased ROM of the knee due to pain and disruption of the extensor mechanism. Active knee extension is lost. When the patellar tendon is the only portion of the extensor mechanism ruptured, and the retinaculum is intact, active extension may be possible but there will be an extensor lag of a few degrees. The patients are unable to perform active straight leg raises and are also unable to maintain a passively extended knee. It is important not to miss a diagnosis of a patellar tendon rupture or any extensor mechanism disruption because a delayed diagnosis and treatment can affect the outcome. If necessary aspiration of a painful knee effusion followed by an injection of lidocaine can be carried out to aid in clinical diagnosis. Despite adequate local anesthesia a patient with an extensor mechanism disruption cannot perform a straight leg raise. A patient with a painful effusion secondary to a different cause can perform a straight leg raise.
The radiographic evaluation includes anteroposterior and lateral views of the knee. When there is a complete rupture, radiographs may reveal a superiorly displaced patella (patella alta). On the lateral knee radiograph, the Insall-Salvati ratio quickly determines patella alta or baja (inferiorly displaced patella). The Insall-Salvati ratio is the ratio between the patellar tendon's length and the patella's length. The measurement is done on a lateral radiograph with the knee flexed to 30 degrees. The normal ratio is between 0.8 and 1.2. The patella alta has a ratio greater than 1.2 and the patella baja has a ratio of less than 0.8 (4).
X-rays of the knee may reveal avulsion fractures or other concomitant knee injuries. A knee MRI is the appropriate diagnostic study if a patellar tendon rupture is suspected. It can differentiate partial from complete tendon tear. It helps to determine the exact location of the rupture. It will show the presence of any tendon degeneration, the position of the patella, and any concomitant intraarticular knee lesions. Ultrasound may also be used as an adjunctive study in the suspected case of acute or chronic patellar tendon rupture. It can detect and localize the tendon disruption. It is much less expensive than an MRI.
Disability from a deficient knee extensor mechanism is high. Surgical repair of the ruptured patella tendon is necessary. Although the repair is not considered a surgical emergency, prompt surgical management of acute patella tendon rupture is needed to prevent the need for reconstruction.
Patients with an intact knee extensor mechanism with a partial tear of the tendon can be treated without surgery. Nonsurgical management should also be considered in patients who are not surgical candidates due to medical comorbidities. Non-surgical treatment is carried out by immobilizing the knee in full extension with a progressive weight-bearing exercise program.
Surgical treatment is carried out by primary tendon repair or tendon reconstruction (8). Primary repair is carried out in patients with complete patellar tendon ruptures, where the tendon ends can be approximated (14). The location of the tear determines the type of repair carried out. When the tendon tear is mid-substance an end-to-end repair is carried out. For proximal avulsions, a transosseous tendon repair, with bone tunnels drilled through the patella can be carried out. For a distal avulsion, a suture anchor tendon repair is generally done. Tendon reconstruction is required in patients with severely disrupted or degenerative patellar tendons or in cases where primary repair cannot be performed. As the time from initial injury to surgical repair increases tendon excursion, adhesion, and degeneration increases. This can lead to a more complicated patellar tendon reconstruction. Hence, it is important to treat patellar tendon ruptures with a sense of urgency. The patellar tendon can be reconstructed using an autograft or an allograft. There are multiple surgical techniques for patellar tendon reconstruction (15,16).
Autograft and Allograft tissue options include the semitendinosus, gracilis, ipsilateral or contralateral central quadriceps tendon-patellar bone and
Achilles tendon with a bone block.
Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis for patellar tendon rupture includes:
Patella fracture
Quadriceps tendon rupture
Tibial tubercle avulsion fracture
Generally, prompt repair of the patella tendon rupture has good to excellent outcomes. Failures, poor outcomes, and complications are typically associated with missed diagnosis and delayed treatment, or technical errors during surgery.
Complications associated with patellar tendon rupture include the following:
Quadriceps atrophy
Residual extensor mechanism weakness
Residual extensor lag or inability to fully extend the knee
Knee stiffness
Postoperative and Rehabilitation Care
Following are the general guidelines for post-operative rehabilitation (17).
In the first 2 weeks, the goal is to protect the surgical repair. Weight-bearing is allowed as tolerated with crutches and knee brace locked in full extension. The treating doctor determines ROM allowances based on the quality of repair.
During weeks 2 through 6, the goal continues to protect the surgical repair of the tendon and normalize gait with crutches and knee brace. Weight-bearing is allowed as tolerated with crutches and knee brace locked in full extension. Passive ROM from 0 to 90 degrees of knee flexion, with no active quadriceps extension is started. The treating doctor will determine ROM allowances based on the quality of the repair.
During weeks 6 through 12, the goal is to normalize gait on a flat surface and wean crutches. The knee brace is opened to allow flexion and active quadriceps contraction is started. Gradual progression of weight bearing with knee flexion is carried out. Weight-bearing in the knee flexed past 70 degrees is avoided. Active ROM of knee exercises are started. Light squats, leg presses, core strengthening, and other physical therapy exercises are carried out.
During weeks 12 through 16, the goal is to normalize gait on all surfaces without a brace, obtain full ROM, start single-leg stance with good control, and squat to 70 degrees of flexion with good control. Non-impact balance and proprioceptive drills are begun. Physical therapy exercises, quad, and core strengthening exercises are begun.
During weeks 16 and longer the goal is to obtain good quad control with no pain with sport or work-specific movements, including impact activity.
When there is dynamic neuromuscular control with multiplane activities without pain or swelling the individual can return to sports.
Diagnosis and treatment of patellar tendon rupture are best performed with an interprofessional team that includes orthopaedic surgeons, therapists, and nurses. Doctors have to be aware that treatment of patellar tendon rupture depends on the integrity of the tendon. Complete patellar tendon ruptures involves surgical repair, as disability from a deficient knee extensor mechanism is high. The surgery is not a surgical emergency but prompt surgical treatment of acute patella tendon ruptures is recommended to prevent the need for reconstruction. Nonsurgical treatment is only indicated when the tendon tear is partial, and there is an intact knee extensor mechanism. Rehabilitation is recommended for all patients to regain joint function and muscle strength. The outlook in most patients is generally excellent.
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